epresenting Federal Employees

Representing Federal Employees

Federal employees have a whole different system of procedures that apply to their discrimination claims. In my view, the system is overly complicated and serves as a trap to the unwary. If a federal employee makes one mistake during the process, it truly can be fatal to his or her case. For example, employees of private companies have up to 180 days, and sometimes up to 300, to file a complaint of discrimination. Federal employees, however, must file their complaint within 45 days of the incident or they could forfeit their rights. And then, they may need to file a new complaint each time something else is done to them. If they don’t, their case could be forfeited. Moreover, federal employees who have simultaneous claims of discrimination and claims of procedural violations against their employing agency are faced with maze of deadlines and requirements. Again, it is my view these rules are designed to make it harder for federal employees. At Weinstein Law Firm, LLC, we help federal employees pursue claims of discrimination not only in Pennsylvania, but all over the United States. We’ve litigated cases in Texas, North Carolina, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, and many other states.